Social attitude to the problems of youth narcotism: regional aspect
For contemporary societies drug addiction has become an crucial social threat and extremely difficult phenomenon, which touches on an extensive range of social issues. The prevalence of this phenomenon, characteristically among teenagers and youth, its growth and scenarios for further development indicate the need for studying the problems of drug addiction among the young university student population. The analysis of data of sociological research conducted by questionnaires in one of the Higher Education Institutions of Saratov in 2015 are analyzed. Identification of the modern relation of student’s youth to a drug addiction problem was the purpose of an anonymous survey. The obtained research data have allowed the authors to designate the main social attitudes of student youth, to reveal the specific features of the social factors determining narcotization at the regional level. A research has shown, the principles and main methods of the prevention of drug addiction in Higher Education Institutions are awareness of the scale and consequences of this problem and monitoring the moral and social sphere of the personality in this connection. The authors offer a number of the preventive measures directed to prevention and counteraction of youth drug addiction. Refs 16. Tables 5.
youth drug addiction, poll, social problems, social relation, experience of acquaintance to drugs, reasons of their use, narcoconsumption prevention
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