Social designation of the emotion «happiness» in advertising


  • Ольга Олеговна Савельева National Research University Higher School of Economics, 8/2, build. 1, M. Trekhsvyatitelskiy per., Moscow, 109028, Russian Federation
  • Алена Сергеевна Капустина National Research University Higher School of Economics, 8/2, build. 1, M. Trekhsvyatitelskiy per., Moscow, 109028, Russian Federation



Within the framework of the phenomenological approach happiness is defined as a socially determined
emotional state arising from a subjective interpretation of the reality of a person or group. Attention is paid to the role of social communication to such interpretations, advertising in particular. Advertising is considered in the context of social engineering, the advertising message is interpreted as a social ‘pseudo-project’. The role of the social and cultural discourse of advertising to create such ‘pseudo-project’ is analysed with the directions and principles of the appeal to the phenomenon of ‘happiness’ in the construction of the social and cultural discourse of advertising. It is argued that ‘real happiness’ is shown in advertisements as a socially approved pleasure obtained through the purchase of goods or services. Empirical study revealed a positive attitude towards the audience’s appeal to the phenomenon of advertising ‘happiness’. We also studied ‘the criteria of happiness’ which have been used in advertising. Empirical research revealed that the idea of the significance of individual criteria of happiness of the audience and the creators of advertising matches only partially. If the audience is put in the first place on the importance of ‘the ability to do what he likes,’ the advertising messages that motivate the audience can hardly be found. According to other criteria such sharp discrepancies are observed. This proves once again that the social representation of happiness is not the same as hedonism — satisfaction conceived irrespective of morality. It can be said that the idea of happiness among viewers of television advertising is consistent with the understanding of the great thinkers of the past: a high degree of socially approved satisfaction from life. Refs 28. Figs 6.


sociology of emotions, happiness, advertising, social-cultural advertising discourse, social construction, social pseudo-project, appeal in advertising


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How to Cite

Савельева, О. О., & Капустина, А. С. (2017). Social designation of the emotion «happiness» in advertising. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, (4), 53–68.