Global space of culinary and its’ empirical research


  • Азат Борисович Рахманов Lomonosow Moscow State University, 1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation



The author analyzes the global culinary space that has been created by globalization. There are many national cuisines in every global city that exist as chains of restaurants. There are culinary superpowers, great culinary powers, middle culinary powers, small culinary powers and super-small culinary powers. The culinary potential of every country should be considered as a component of its soft power. The status of any country within the culinary space can be characterized by degree of its culinary sovereignty. This dimension depends on the quantity of restaurants of national cuisine in the country. There are countries with full culinary sovereignty, countries with limited culinary sovereignty, culinary semi-colonies and culinary colonies. Refs 11. Tables 3.


sociology of food, culinary, global culinary space, culinary power, culinary sovereignty, culinary colony, culinary nationalism, culinary cosmopolitism


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How to Cite

Рахманов, А. Б. (2017). Global space of culinary and its’ empirical research. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, (4), 115–127.



Tranformation of modern socio-cultural space