
  • Хе Синьюань Academy of Marxism, Chinese academy of social sciences, 5, Jianguomennei st., Beijing, 100732, P. R. China
  • Сун Лэй  School of Marxism, Beijing Institute of Technology, 5, Zhongguancun South st., Haidian District, Beijing, 100081, P. R. China




The article deals with the basic idea of a Chinese path to modernization. It is shown that “The Chinese way” is a natural process of historical development of Chinese society. It has historical legitimacy, it is predetermined by history. But this fact does not mean that we can let it take its own course. We must accumulate historical experience and lessons, to search for ways for future development, to let history illuminate the future of the Chinese way.
Culture can contribute to the formation of the state, the process of China’s modernization is actually a process of cultural transformation. Realistically speaking, the Chinese society of traditional culture has disappeared, and a modern Chinese culture has still not formed. Now there is a large-scale process of social transformation. Trial and error prompted the change of dynasties, the revolution encourages the independence of the state, the construction of sets of social base transformation causes transformation of the whole of Chinese society: from the instruments of production, of social organization to the system of values of the entire cultural formation as a whole.
In fact, any method of modernization «is constantly under the process of testing». Europe and the USA, criticizing and reinterpreting their own path of modernization, have steadily been making adjustments. Undoubtedly, the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics has passed through fire, and water, but, nevertheless, one must constantly make adjustments to develop.


the basic idea, Chinese way, Modernization, Chinese model, Social transformation


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How to Cite

Синьюань, Х., & Лэй , С. (2017). ABOUT THE MODERN CHINESE PATH TOWARD MODERNIZATION. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 10(3), 329–338. https://doi.org/10.21638/10.21638/11701/spbu12.2017.306



Реформы и революции: исторический опыт и социологическая рефлексия