
  • Виктория Андреевна Милешкина Lomonosow Moscow State University, 1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation



The article is focused on the influence of television as a factor of the problem of children’s exposure to domestic violence in modern Russia. A review of the main theoretical approaches is undertaken. The problem’s analysis is based on theories of violence by Sitikh E. L., Tabatadze G. S., Safonova T. Y., Tsymbal E. I. and also based on communication theories by McCombs M., Shaw D., Lasswel H., Gerbner G., Brayant D., Tomson S. The author also presents her own methodology in the article. It involves a conceptual model, sample and method. TV violence and the influence mechanism are key understandings of the conceptual model. The research model involves such violent actions towards the children as physical and psychological violence. The article presents the author’s pilot survey results characterizing the role of TV content in the lives of modern parents in 2013. The level of violent TV content of different levels is measured. The TV watching involvement level of modern parents is valued and the number of violent scenes in movies and TV series is reported. Moreover, the author determines the display of different violence types by parents over the children in correlation with recently watched violence on TV and values the character of violent scenes’ influence on the formation different types of children’s exposure to domestic physical and psychological violence. Refs 42. Tables 4.


television, television’s influence, violence over the children, domestic violence, physical violence, psychological violence


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How to Cite

Милешкина, В. А. (2016). THE INFLUENCE OF TELEVISION ON CHILDHOOD DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN MODERN RUSSIA. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, (2), 75–86.