City and its residents: Мoving towards


  • Natalya V. Avdoshina Samara National Research University, 1, ul. Akademika Pavlova, Samara, 443011, Russian Federation
  • Julia V. Vaskina Samara National Research University, 1, ul. Akademika Pavlova, Samara, 443011, Russian Federation



This article is devoted to the analysis of attitude to the migration among residents of a large city with a population of more than 1 million people. There is also assessment of the impact from various factors of the urban environment both on the overall satisfaction with life in the city and on the desire to change the place of residence. The survey of Samara residents was conducted online with the help of a questionnaire created in a Google Docs and posted on the city administration website. 1,500 respondents were interviewed in according to the quota sample (quota characteristics are gender and age). The sampling error was 3%. It was revealed that a significant contribution to the overall satisfaction with life in the city is made by the following urban environment parameters: safety, landscaping, the work of cultural and leisure institutions, the quality and quantity of goods in the stores. The strongest correlations with the desire to leave Samara or stay in it were found in the variables “schools quality of work”, “city safety”, “institutions of additional education quality of work”, “quality and quantity of goods”, and “garbage disposal”. Speaking of the socio-demographic groups with the greatest desire to leave the city were revealed young people (49.6%), as well as the highest-income group of respondents, due to their desire to improve the quality of life along with the lowest-income group, striving to change their place in order to solve their economic problems. If we take social status into account, the largest share of those wishing to leave the city was revealed among entrepreneurs, self-employed and heads of organizations. It is concluded that for potential Samara migrants it is important notto get rid of existing problems, but rather to expand their opportunities to improve the quality of life.


city, migration, satisfaction with life in the city, residents’ satisfaction with various aspects of the urban environment


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* Is recognized as a foreign agent in Russian Federation.



How to Cite

Avdoshina, N. V., & Vaskina, J. V. (2023). City and its residents: Мoving towards. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 16(2), 215–229.



Social processes and social dynamics