Modernization and society: Russian attitudes to identity


  • Nikolay A. Golovin St. Petersburg State University, 7–9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The 1990s crisis, a relatively stable period (2000-2013) and a new period started after the reabsorption of Crimea in 2014, the falling oil prices and Western financial sanctions are the steps for Russia’s alienation from Western countries and for growing public interest in the modernization experience of the Asia-Pacific region (APAC) and other countries. The article analyses examples of successful post-War modernization in the world in order to identify and distinguish the most attractive patterns for Russia, not only by economic growth rates, but accounting public attitudes to different countries. The modernization patterns are studied on the basis of global modernization monitoring conducted in the PRC and statistical data. Different modernization models obtained in the frame of historical sociology as methodological basis have been formulated. Reliable empirical data on public opinion is presented in monitoring and analytical research by Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM, Moscow) and Levada Analytical Center (Levada-Center, Moscow). The article proves that the 1990s negative experience resulted in anti-Western mindsets in the society. It was even strengthened in 2000s as a result of tensions. For the same period and subsequent years the attitude of the Russian society to APAC countries (Japan, Korea) has been stable and rather indifferent, except for China. The Chinese modernization based on the Singaporean model, which is interesting for the Russian government, will be supported by the Russian society. The sociological analysis of the Russian public opinion for a quarter of a century combined with modernization achievements and results in different countries and regions has allowed us to assess the orientations for modernization that Russia is facing and to distinguish the most significant and promising pattern.


modernization models and patterns, public opinion, the West, the Asia-Pacific region, Russian society, Russia’s turn to the East


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How to Cite

Golovin, N. A. (2018). Modernization and society: Russian attitudes to identity. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 11(3), 266–283.



Social Problems of the Russian Society