Social well-being of regional community in a crisis


  • Yuliya V. Ukhanova Federal state budgetary institution of science “Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences” (VolRC RAS), 56-а, Gorky str., Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation
  • Elena O. Smoleva  Federal state budgetary institution of science “Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences” (VolRC RAS), 56-а, Gorky str., Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to a problem of modern society’s adaptation to crisis reality. As the main indicator reflecting the level of adaptation processes the category “social well-being” is used. On the basis of monitoring of the public opinion which is carried out The Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS (ISEDT RAS) since 1996 in the territory of the Vologda region change of social well-being of inhabitants in the region for the 2000th is analyzed. The main attention is paid to the crisis periods — 2008–2009 and also 2014–2016. It is revealed that the crisis of 2014–2016 hasn’t caused a sharp deterioration in an emotional background and mental health, as in 2008–2009 what positive dynamics in reduction of people’s share with displays of mental disorders in the form of alarm, depression, and neurosis testifies to; improvement of social mood, etc. At the same time adaptation processes differently proceeded among separate social and demographic groups, first of all depending on their welfare. A conclusion that modern specifics of society’s adaptation to the crisis phenomena is the accustoming of the population to an unsatisfactory situation because of the duration of problems social and economic character which is followed by growth at people of uncertainty in the future, a habit to live for “today”.


social well-being, social adaptation, crisis, social mood, a psychological condition


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How to Cite

Ukhanova, Y. V. ., & Smoleva , E. O. . (2018). Social well-being of regional community in a crisis. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 11(3), 284–300.



Social Problems of the Russian Society