Russian physician’s labor conditions: Risks to health and inflectional safety


  • Saniya I. Boyarkina The Sociological Institute of the RAS — Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 25/14, 7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya str., St. Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation



Since 2011 the reform of health care system in Russia has been realizing. It is accompanied by law changes, modernization and optimization of treatment and prophylactic centers. Political and economic changes have transformed labor conditions that could influent on health care workers’ physical and psychological health and caused the risks of tuberculosis infecting. The aim of this paper is to examine occupational risks to health and tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers (HCW) in Russia. The main issue is probability to produce the risks of tuberculosis infection among HCW associated with labor conditions in the treatment and prophylactic centers situated on Russian territory. To research materials that were published from 2011 till 2016 at the Internet portal for the healthcare workers content analysis was used.
News events and HCW’ comments that reflected labor conditions’ problems in the treatment and prophylactic centers situated on Russian territory were analyzed. According to criteria the most significant risk factors, produced by labor conditions are professional burnout and stress; physical safety; physical and psychological overloads that are unequal to salaries, massive reductions in personnel and chronic understaffing, lack of material, technical and pharmaceuticals resources.


physician’s labor conditions, social determinants of health, proximate and social risk factors, tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers


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How to Cite

Boyarkina, S. I. . (2018). Russian physician’s labor conditions: Risks to health and inflectional safety. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 11(3), 346–363.



Sociology of labor and professions