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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • • UDC-index;
    • Author’s full name, academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address, personal email;
    • Abstract (In Russian) - the recommended length for the abstract is 200–250 words;
    • Abstract (in English) - the recommended length for the abstract is 200–300 words;
    • The recommended length of the articles (including metadata, footnotes, and references) is 30 000 to 40 000 characters including spaces;
    • References
    • Keywords (Russian);
    • Keywords (English);

Author Guidelines

The list of necessary materials for submission to the editors of the Journal:

  • The text size is no more than 40,000 characters with spaces (including metadata and references)
  • UDC index
  • Abstract in Russian (200-250 words)
  • Keywords in Russian (3-5 words)
  • Abstract in English (200-300 words)
  • Keywords in English (3-5 words)
  • References in Russian, designed in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (only for Russian-language articles);
  • References in English (References), designed in accordance with the requirements of the journal;
  • Information about the author (authors) in Russian and English languages: full name, position, place of work, address of work, email address.

The authors send manuscripts of articles from a personal address or a personal corporate email address to the official email address of the journal: or using the submission form on the Journal website. The editorial board does not consider the materials presented in paper form; recorded on flash cards, disks and other electronic media sent from the e-mail addresses of third parties.


General provisions

The journal publishes only original materials. The text of the manuscript should not contain signs of plagiarism/auto plagiarism, in jther words, - materials without reference to original sources, including previously published copyrighted materials. If it is requested by the editorial board, the author is obliged to submit a list of copyright publications for the past 3 years, as well as manuscripts on similar topics submitted to other publications.


General requirements for manuscripts:


Authors should contribute to the development of the field of sociological knowledge in which it is prepared. Author's material, having an educational-methodical orientation, should contain new approaches, methods, training technologies.

Logical presentation of the material.

The text of the manuscript should be structured in such a way that readers understand the purpose and objectives, the theory and methodology of the research, the results obtained by the author and the contribution of the author to the development of a specific field of scientific knowledge. Materials of educational and methodical nature should contain the rationale for the use in the educational process of this development, a detailed description of its content, and a description of the contribution to the teaching of a particular discipline.

Completeness of the manuscript.

The conclusions of the author should be substantiated and should not be preliminary or contain generalizations reflecting the well-known results.

The style of presentation.

The text of the manuscript should be written in an academic style and written in literate Russian. All borrowed and obscure terms should be clarified. It is recommended to avoid ambiguity of statements and ambiguity in the interpretation of basic concepts.

The main types of published materials:

  1. scientific article on the results of the author's research (theoretical article; article based on the results of empirical research; scientific review);
  2. educational materials on sociological disciplines;
  3. a review of a book, textbook or article;
  4. review of the scientific event


Requirements for theoretical articles

A theoretical article can be devoted to an analysis of the development of a theory and the refinement of theoretical constructs; presentation of a new theory; critical analysis of an existing theory (for example, consideration of its shortcomings); comparison of several theories, demonstration of the advantages of one theory in comparison with another. The volume of the article is 30000 - 40000 characters with spaces, including annotation in Russian and English, keywords, figures, tables and captions, a list of references

Article structure:

Introduction: justification of relevance, degree of elaboration of the topic; formulation of the research problem; description of the purpose and objectives of the article; brief description of its structure.

Review of scientific literature on the research topic: a brief overview of scientific publications (both domestic and foreign), containing theoretical positions on the chosen topic.

Critical analysis of theoretical concepts (provisions): a description of the main provisions of the concepts (provisions) selected by the author; assessment of their strengths and weaknesses; substantiation of the author's position; assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the author's concept.

Conclusions and discussion of the results: assessment of the scientific novelty of the author's approach (the author's concept); characterizing the contribution of the author's approach (the author's concept) to the development of sociological theory; description of the prospects of scientific research in the framework of the proposed approach (the author's concept).

The list of references includes all sources that were referenced in the text. References to non-scientific sources (excerpts from newspapers, magazines, literary works, etc.) should be given in the text or in a footnote to the text, but not in the References.


Requirements for articles based on empirical research

The article describes the results of an empirical test of the hypothesis put forward by the researcher. In the case of a qualitative research methodology, the article contains a supply of a research question and an empirical rationale for the answer to the question posed. The length of the article is 30000 - 40000 characters with spaces, including annotation in Russian and English, keywords, figures, tables and captions, a list of references.

Article structure:

Introduction: justification of relevance, degree of elaboration of the topic; formulation of the research problem; description of the object and subject of research, goals and objectives of the article; brief description of its structure.

Review of scientific literature on the research topic: a brief review of scientific publications (both domestic and foreign), containing the results of theoretical and empirical research necessary to determine the key concepts and formulate the research hypothesis (research question).

            Methodology and methods of research: a description of the methodological approach used in the study (research design), methods for collecting, processing and analyzing data; characteristics of the sample (in the case of sampling).

Research results: description and interpretation of the obtained results with numbers, tables, graphs, figures.

Conclusions and discussion of the results: the formulation of conclusions based on the results; comparison of the results obtained with the already available results on this topic; evaluation of the scientific novelty and practical value of the results obtained; characterization of the limitations of empirical research. It is advisable to divide this section into subsections: conclusions; discussion; restrictions; prospects for further research.

The list of references includes all sources that were referenced in the text. References to non-scientific sources (excerpts from newspapers, magazines, literary works, etc.) should be given in the text or in a footnote to the text, but not in the References.


Requirements for scientific reviews

The scientific review contains an analysis of existing theoretical, methodological and methodological approaches to the study of social phenomena, processes, problems. The scope of the review is no more than 40,000 characters with spaces, including annotation in Russian and English, keywords, figures, tables and captions, a list of references.

The structure of the scientific review:

Introduction: problem statement (its definition and explanation); description of the purpose and objectives of the article; brief description of its structure.

Review of scientific publications on the chosen topic: a brief description of the history of the analyzed theoretical and methodological approach (theoretical concept), indicating his / her ancestor (s) and followers; Characteristics of the main research results in the framework of this approach (this theoretical concept).

Critical analysis of publications: a description of the strengths and weaknesses of existing research; the author's assessment of the research potential of the theoretical and methodological approach (theoretical concept); proposals for his / her practical application and development.

Conclusion: summing ideas of the text.

The list of references includes all sources that were referenced in the text. References to non-scientific sources (excerpts from newspapers, magazines, literary

works, etc.) should be given in the text or in a footnote to the text, but not in the References.


Requirements for teaching materials

The journal publishes authoring on sociological disciplines taught in universities. These can be chapters from a textbook, work program of the discipline, cases, funds of evaluation tools. The structure of these materials is subject to the composition of educational and methodical text. The text size is no more than 40000 characters with spaces, including annotation in Russian and English, keywords, figures, tables and captions, a list of references.


Requirements for reviews

Publications are accepted for reviews of scientific sociological publications, published no earlier than 2 years before the review was received by the journal’s editors. The review contains an analysis and critical assessment of a scientific work (monographs, articles or a textbook). The text size is no more than 20,000 with spaces.

Review structure:

  • Introduction: a brief summary of the work under review and its author (s).
  • Critical analysis of the work: a description of the relevance of the work, a description of its scientific or educational results; novelty assessment; description of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Conclusions: evaluation of the scientific contribution of the work.


Requirements for reviews of scientific events

(conferences, symposia, congresses, etc.)

The review of a scientific event contains a detailed analysis of ideas and proposals, which were reflected in the reports of the participants of a scientific event (conference, symposium, congress). Materials must cover current scientific events (must come to the editorial office no later than two months after the scientific event is held). The text size is no more than 20,000 with spaces.


Abstract requirements

The abstract should be provided in Russian and English. It should reflect the essence of the research, state the essential facts of the work and should not exaggerate or contain material that is not in the text of the article. Annotation volume is 200–250 words.


Abstract structure:

Introduction: problem statement, relevance of the topic

Goals and objectives of the study

Research methods

Research results, discussion

Conclusion: the main conclusions.

            It is important for the authors to keep in mind that the abstract in Russian is the basis for preparing a summary in English, but not its literal translation. You must follow the basic rules and style of the English language. Annotation is a separate, article-independent source of information. The text should not be quoted, if possible, to avoid abbreviations. The discrepancy of the annotation to the requirements may serve as a basis for refusal in publication.


Text requirements

Copyright materials are accepted as a Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx, .rtf). All information should be contained in two files: in the first - information about the author (authors) in Russian and English, in the second - the abstract in Russian and English, article, list of sources and literature in Russian and English; freely redistributable free fonts; field size - 2 * 2 * 2 * 2; line spacing - 1.5. In the body of the article the author's data are not specified.

Metadata content:

Paragraph1: UDC index - right alignment;

Paragraph 2: empty

Paragraph 3: the title of the article is bold, centered; if performed within the framework of the grant - a footnote.

Paragraph 4: Abstract of the article (from 200 to 250 words) - justified alignment;

Paragraph 5: keywords (the phrase “Keywords” is italicized and bold) - justified;


Paragraph 6: empty;

Paragraph 7: the title of the article in English is bold, centered;

Paragraph 8: abstract of the article (Summary) from 200 to 300 words in English, justified;

Paragraph 9: keywords (the phrase “Keywords” is italicized and bold) in English, justified.


Requirements for the design of the text of the article

  • freely redistributable free fonts;
  • size 12;
  • align text to the width of the page;
  • each paragraph begins with 1 cm indent


Requirements for the design of the list of sources and literature

  • freely redistributable free fonts;
  • size 12;
  • align text to the width of the page;
  • each paragraph begins with 1 cm indent


References to sources

All materials used in the text must be given:

  • a text link, indicating: the author, year of publication and the quoted page;
  • a detailed bibliographic description in the Literature section (author, title of work, title of a collection or journal, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and number of pages in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008);
  • a detailed bibliographic description in the References section (author, translation of the title of work into English, translation of the title of a collection or journal into English, transliteration according to the Library of Congress standard (for translation into transliteration, you can use the website: /), place of publication, publisher, year of publication and number of pages.

The numbering of the Literature section and the References section is arranged in the order in which the source is mentioned in the text as follows: the first link in brackets should correspond to the source number in the list. The second digit is the page number in the source. [1, p. 20].

Links to electronic resources are made as follows: in the text: [3].

References to literary sources in oriental languages should be given in transliteration using Latin.

References to regulatory documents can be put in a footnote on the model of the author's notes.



Notes are issued as footnotes: a footnote is put in the text, the text of the note is placed down the bar. Numbering of notes through the entire text. References in the text of the notes are made out as in the text of the document. Expanded bibliographic description in the text of the notes is not allowed.


Illustrations and tables

  • drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams, illustrations contained in the text must comply with the requirements of the Unified Design Documentation System;
  • all explanatory notes and legends must be presented in Russian and English;

all illustrations and tables should be referenced in the text.

  • illustrations should have names in Russian and English languages and explanatory data (figure drawing), if necessary;
  • if there is more than one illustration in the text, then they should be numbered in Arabic numerals through numbering;
  • the word “Picture”, its sequence number, names and explanatory data are placed directly under the picture;
  • text illustrations: freely redistributable free fonts, 9 pt;
  • the illustrations present in the text should be submitted as separate files in jpeg format (300 dpi resolution) and named as in the text of the article.
  • Tables should be denoted in Russian and English;
  • the legend of the tables (if available) is given in Russian and English;
  • the table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned for the first time;
  • a table with a large number of rows is allowed to transfer to another page;
  • headers are usually written parallel to the rows of the table; if necessary, perpendicular arrangement of headings is allowed;
  • text design tables: freely redistributable free fonts, 9 pt.


Formulas and Equations

  • for the design of equations and formulas, you can use either the regular MS Word plugin - Equation, or the MathType program, or the formula editor in the OpenOffice Math package;
  • equations and formulas are allocated in a separate line;
  • at least one free line must be left above and below each formula or equation;
  • if the equation does not fit in one line, then it must be moved after the equals sign (=) or after the plus signs (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the beginning of the next line is repeated;
  • an explanation of the meanings of symbols and numerical factors are given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula;
  • serial numbering in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.


A = a: in, (1)

B = c: e. (2)

References in the text to the ordinal numbers of the formulas are given in brackets.

An example is ... in the formula (1).

The order of presentation in the text of mathematical equations is the same as the formulas.


References in Russian

References in Russian are made out in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

The bibliography includes electronic resources: electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, forums, etc. In the list of references, links to electronic resources are arranged as follows: after the e-mail address in parentheses give information about the date of appeal to the electronic network resource: after the words “access date” indicate the day, month and year.


References in English:

General rules:

  • The names and initials of the authors are given in transliteration (foreign authors - in the original).
  • The title of the publication, be it a book or a magazine, is always in italics.
  • Extracts from publications, that is, chapters in books, journal articles, always in English “quotes”, starting with the first word, proper names and German nouns are written with a capital letter.
  • The name of the publisher is shown in front of the place of publication (as it would be in the address). Place of publication - city, country. Abbreviations for US states must be capitalized, and must be added as needed.
  • Links to electronic resources follow the same rules, and then “by address” and URL.


  • Jackson L. A., Grabski S. V. Perceptions of fair pay and the gender wage gap. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1988, no. 18 (7), pp. 606–625.
  • Harvey D. Social Justice and the City / Rev. ed. Athens, London, University of Georgia Press, 2009.
  • Soper K. The humanism in posthumanism. Comparative Critical Studies, 2012, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 365–378, available at: (accessed: 12.08.2021).

Rules for Russian-language literature:

  • The title of the article is translated into English.
  • For English-language books give the original English name.
  • The name of the periodical is given in transliteration. If the publishing house (enterprise, institution, organization, etc.) has an official English-language name, then this name can be given.
  • The name of publishers and organizations of the CIS lead to transliteration.
  • The name of the city, the names of conferences, explanatory words, phrases are translated into English. For international conferences with a second English-language name, this name is given.
  • Abbreviations are replaced by English analogues: part 2; volume 3; Vol. 3; pp. 10-19; 323 p.; no.1; issue; Abstract of the dissertation; International conference proceedings (Int. Conf. Proc.); Scientific-and-technical (Sci.-Tech.) collected articles; dated 19 December 2013; monograph; Annals – Ann.; Annual – Annu.; Colloquium – Colloq. ; Conference – Conf. ; Congress – Congr.; Technical Paper– Tech. Paper; First; Second; Third; Fourth/nth... –1st ; 2nd; 3rd; 4th/nth...; Convention – Conv. ; Digest – Dig. ; Exposition – Expo.; International – Int. ; National – Nat. ; Proceedings – Proc. ; Record – Rec. ; Symposium – Symp. ; Technical Digest – Tech. Dig.

Field Data Description

Placed at the end of the document before the list of references if the characteristics of the informant in the text contain insufficient data.


Interview 1. A woman, 50 years old, working in orphanages in 1980–1987, now lives in St. Petersburg.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.