
  • Павел Петрович Лисицын Saint Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya Emb., 199034, Saint Petersburg, Russia



This article is devoted to the description of communication between labour migrants, employers and representatives of the state in Russia. The text is based on the research conducted by the staff of the International Laboratory of St. Petersburg University “Transnationalism and migration processes: comparative and institutional analysis” (six cities in Russia). In the course of the study was the hypothesis that the migration process has the basic and additional actors. In the body of this article you can find information that will demonstrate the main hypothesis. Also, by using the research data we are trying to answer the following theoretical questions: what are the differences between the major actors in the migration process and additional one? What are the reasons for the main actors to introduce additional actors in the migration process? What are the advantages and disadvantages for each of the main parties of entry for additional actors?


labour migration, migration process, main and additional stakeholders of the migration process, buffer zone


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Social Dynamics in the Context of Migration Processes