Ethnic tolerance of Moscow students


  • Ирина Александровна Малкова Russian State University for the Humanities, 6, Miusskaya pl., Moscow, 125993, GSP-3, Russian Federation



The article focuses on cross-ethnic relations in the youth environment. Sociological evidence of the growth of ethnic intolerance and conflict among young people is provided. The problems of ethnic tolerance and cross-ethnic interaction are studied in the framework of an interdisciplinary approach. Modern higher education institutions represent not only the organization of educational services and professional competences, but also a place of intense cross-ethnic communication. On the basis of the author’s research, conducted among students of Moscow higher education institutions, the condition of ethnic tolerance of student’s youth is analyzed. The possibility of the development of tolerant cross-ethnic relations at higher educational institutions is examined. A comparative analysis of the experience of Soviet education with the challenges and realities of the modern university practices affecting interethnic relations and also the formation of ethnic tolerance among modern Russian students is provided. Refs 23.


cross-ethnic relations, student youth, higher education institutions, ethnic tolerance, ethnic intolerance, ethnic identity


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How to Cite

Малкова, И. А. (2017). Ethnic tolerance of Moscow students. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, (4), 105–114.



Tranformation of modern socio-cultural space