
  • Александр Викторович Петров St. Petersburg State University, 7–9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Катарина Сергеевна Карасева St. Petersburg State University, 7–9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article analyzes the main theoretical approaches to the study of corporate labour culture. The authors emphasize that there is no consensus on definitions and no single theoretical point of view on the study of corporate labour culture within various areas of the social studies. The authors offer their own classification of the basic theoretical research directions of the organizational culture. The article discusses four major theoretical trends in the study of organizational culture: socio-psychological, culturological, socio-managerial (social technologies in HR-management) and economic-sociological approaches. Special attention is paid to the economic-sociological approach to the study of corporate labour culture. The authors consider organizational culture as naturally plays a symbolic resource or cultural capital of corporations. The authors analyze the main factors influencing the transformation of the organizational culture of the modern domestic companies. As the main factors the authors of the article analyze the transformation of the global production system, the so-called “knowledge-value revolution”; increasing the role of the image of the modern companies, trust from business partners and society for their work in strengthening the foundations of their competitiveness; the dependence of the profit of modern companies form the ability to increase customer capital; the need to create favourable social conditions for social cohesion, social mobilization of the labor collective to solve economic problems of the development of companies; the increasing demand of inclusion of the domestic companies’ staff in the modern social processes associated with the formation of the “knowledge economy” and “lifelong learning society”. Refs 15.


corporate labour culture, competitiveness, organizational sociology, economic sociology


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How to Cite

Петров, А. В., & Карасева, К. С. (2015). MAIN THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF MODERN CORPORATE LABOUR CULTURE. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, (2), 86–92. Retrieved from