Transformation of the role of libraries in the Open Science


  • Roman D. Karikh HSE University, 20, ul. Myasnitskaya, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation



Libraries are a leading actor developing the discussion about Open Science in the Russian scientific field in the competition between them, publishers, repositories and scientific institutes. Understanding the vision of the role of libraries in Open Science will help determine the contours of the possible implementation of the concept in Russia. Based on an analysis of the range of relevant sources, the author describes the transformation of the role of libraries in the conditions of Open Science based on the reconstruction of their ideas. To achieve this goal, the article performs a number of tasks, including: identifying the context for the formation of ideas about the role of libraries, identifying the prerequisites for changing the role of libraries, identifying the old and new roles of libraries in Open Science, identifying barriers to the implementation of the new role of libraries in Open Science. It is noted that the interest in Open Science on the part of Russian libraries occurs in accordance with global trends. Open Science for libraries is presented in the Russian scientific field as a challenge caused by the increasingly complex scientific environment. Such challenges encourage libraries to redefine their place in the information ecosystem of the future, and Open Science is a key aspect on the basis of which libraries build their strategic development. The active role of libraries in the development of Open Science is due to synergetic factors. However, the author also notes the observed forced nature of libraries’ participation in the development of Open Science. The author comes to the conclusion that the leadership of libraries in the discussion regarding Open Science in the Russian scientific field is due to more than just competition for the possession of a resource, but has an existential character against the background of the risks of libraries being ousted from the process of scientific communication.


open science, libraries, transformation, role, literature review, identity, actor, scientific field, scientific communication, sociology of science


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How to Cite

Karikh, R. D. (2024). Transformation of the role of libraries in the Open Science. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 17(1), 100–115.



Sociology of Knowledge, Science and Innovation