Regime comparisons as social technologies Smart Governance


  • Galina A. Menshikova St. Petersburg State University, 7–9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Nikolai A. Pruel St. Petersburg State University, 7–9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



In article approach to Smart Governance as to a new stage of public administration at which the principles of regulation, openness, and transparency introduced within Public Administration, amplify opportunities of the digital economy, monitoring, and computer information processing are offered. The analytics in all set of the directions becomes a way of control and method of Governance improvement. As one of the directions of analytics authors of an article offered to consider the regime theory, to be exact regime comparison. This technology of comparative assessment of the states and regions is rather widespread in foreign science but is seldom applied by the Russian scientists. Its essence consists of assessment, identification of common features and differences of characteristics of a control system. In article approach to regime comparisons as an estimation of activity of the states is actualized: its differences, the directions of estimation and advantages in use are called. The cognitive potential of the method is revealed and specified by a particular example — evaluation of ethical regimes. The article called the 10 criteria of world practice in their evaluation. Based on the monitoring of data on the sites conducted by the authors, it was revealed that there are ethical commissions in the majority of authorities of the Russian Federation. Authors give information on the level of publicity of commissions work. They analyze the protocols of one of the commissions for the period from 2013 to 2017. Analysis of the protocols allowed us to identify three trends in their evaluation. The first is — that person has initiated discussion: complaints of the population, officials, representatives of committees, members of the Commission on assessment of the collected personal data. The second is the issues under discussion. The third is decisionmaking. The final conclusion is that the Commission was a positive change in the introduction of “smart governance”. Its work updated the phenomenon of conflict of interest among officials and developed procedures for correct behavior.


Smart Governance, regime theory, the concept and typology of state regimes, the structure of the national ethical regime, ethical commissions in the Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Menshikova, G. A. ., & Pruel, N. A. . (2018). Regime comparisons as social technologies Smart Governance. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 11(3), 301–318.



Social technologies for solving the problems of modern society