Employment trends of the economically active population of St. Petersburg


  • Ruben V. Karapetyan St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8328-658X




The article is devoted to the analysis of the change in the economic activity of the population of St. Petersburg from the point of view of its employment in recent years. The purpose of the study was to identify changes in employment of the economically active population of St. Petersburg under conditions of digitalization in order to determine the dynamic processes and their consequences for the city's economy. As a confirmed trend, a priority of the fact of distribution of products of the digital economy is accepted. The hypothesis of the study, according to which the digital revolution 4.0 is not employment, and the economic activity of the population of a large city changes as a result of other factors, such as population ageing and a reduction in the share of young professionals with higher education. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the main indicators related to the employment of the inhabitants of the megalopolis. Its result was the confirmation of the hypothesis, namely, that the digital revolution did not change both the employment itself and the attitude to it from the economically active part of the population of St. Petersburg. The main conclusion of the study: at a relatively high economic activity of the population at the present time, the situation may change in the coming years under the influence of the spread of digital economy products, since ageing indicators of the working age population increase while reducing the proportion of young people in the economically active population of the city. The results of the research are of practical importance, and its conclusions can be used for the subsequent monitoring of the economic activity of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg and for the preparation of measures to overcome possible negative trends.


economically active population, employment, digitalization, St. Petersburg


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How to Cite

Karapetyan, R. V. . (2019). Employment trends of the economically active population of St. Petersburg. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 12(1), 17–35. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu12.2019.102