Analysis of the media advertising market in the context of P. Bourdieu's theory of capital




The media advertising market, its main actors, their interaction and the role of information in this interaction in terms of Pierre Bourdieu are presented in this article. The media advertising market is described as a field where advertisers, media buying and selling agencies, as well as the medium, operate. It considers the decision-making process in this market, as well as the types and role of the information is circulating on it. The amount of available human and social capital in the form of experience and qualifications of employees, availability of necessary skills and reputation necessary for a successful negotiation is also important for success achieving of the subject in the market. A special place in this series is occupied by the data of studies of audiences — ratings, coverage, shares, etc. The work also states the exceptional importance of media measurements in the processes of conversion and exchange of cultural and economic capital. In particular, such levels of participation of information in these processes are considered: the absence of data influence on the market; indirect data impact on the market through demand; direct conversion of capital through ratings; capital conversion through various target actions of the audience. The types of conversion available in a particular market depend on the level of development of audience research in a given market. Thus, information becomes one of the main resources of the media advertising market. The analysis carried out in this article showed that the information capital obtained as a result of media measurements should be considered as specific industrial capital circulating in the media advertising media market.


media measurement, media advertising market, market participants, information, media audience studies, industrial capital, quality of information


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How to Cite

Tereschenko, M. S. . (2019). Analysis of the media advertising market in the context of P. Bourdieu’s theory of capital. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 12(2), 188–199.

