Labor and employment in the digital economy: The problems of the Russian labor market


  • Ирина Леонидовна Сизова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, 25/14, 7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya, St. Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation
  • Тимур Маратович Хусяинов Lobachevsky State University, 7, Universitetskii pereulok, Nizhny Novgorod, 603000, Russian Federation



The formation of a new technological paradigm called “Industry 4.0” and the economic structure contributes to the transformation of social reality, in which all spheres of life and behavior of people radically change. The new model of labor and employment by analogy was called “Work 4.0”, it is intensively developed in countries with advanced economies and contains new opportunities, but, at the same time, risks. New forms of labor, cooperation and exchange are developing, the Internet connects people with cars and things. Labor activity becomes transparent and is controlled from the outside. As the boundaries of innovation expand and the opportunities for education improve, the quality of labor resources grows, but the profile of the employee and the requirements put upon him are being changed. Work becomes autonomous and mobile, and the performance of labor functions is associated with the mastery of many competences, among which lifelong learning and digital literacy is given special importance in the digital age. In Russia, the process of transformation of mass labor and employment is much slower, research focuses only on a few so-called “atypical” forms of employment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the prevalence of new aspects and facets of labor among Russian workers connected with mobility and digital technology. Here secondary data of the RLMS-HSE reveal the prevalence of the use of the Internet in the broad masses of dependent workers (at enterprises, in organizations), a professional profile of employees has been drawn up, and the specifics of their work activities are indicated at the present time. Unfortunately, in Russia both the degree of use of the Internet in performing professional responsibilities, and the development of skills, in comparison with the developed countries, is still at a rather insignificant level. The main goal is regular development of digital competencies for both current and future employees. Refs 22. Tables 5.


Industry 4.0, Work 4.0, lifelong learning, digital literacy, dependent employment, atypical forms of employment


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How to Cite

Сизова, И. Л., & Хусяинов, Т. М. (2017). Labor and employment in the digital economy: The problems of the Russian labor market. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 10(4), 376–396.



Sociology of labor and professions