Internet memes in youth communication


  • Елизавета Николаевна Лысенко Belarusian State University, 9, Kalvariyskaya str., Minsk, 220000, Republic of Belarus



The phenomenon of Internet memes is highly popular nowadays, but it is still poorly examined, especially empirically. This article presents the results of a study of the attitudes of young people to Internet memes. The study is based on the results of group interviews with young people aged 18 to 22 years. In this article Internet meme is defined as a stable-formed sign which is used in communication and contains a changing concept. An Internet meme can perform the functions of integration, translation, representation, information, as well as emotional and contact-making (phatic). The most important functions of the meme for youth are the emotional, the phatic and the integration functions. Memes are used to separate in- and out-groups, users of memes divide them into “local” and “general”. Young people use a special language for describing their emotions. This language contains a large number of hyperbole and words, which are also memes. Internet memes attract attention, when used in dataflow, nevertheless usage of memes in marketing communications irritates young people. Further study of the phenomenon of Internet memes is of interest in the context of communication in small groups and interest communities. Other perspectives are related to the study of the linguistic aspect of the language of memes’ self-description, as well as the social meaning of Internet memes and the forms of their dissemination. Refs 18. Fig. 1.


Internet communication, Internet meme, function of meme, group interview, meme in marketing communication


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How to Cite

Лысенко, Е. Н. (2017). Internet memes in youth communication. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 10(4), 410–424.