Integration aspects of the social environment of adolescents from the high-risk group


  • Boris S. Serdyukov St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution City Center for Social Programs and the Prevention of Antisocial Phenomena among Youth “CONTACT”, 4, Frunze ul., St. Petersburg, 196070, Russian Federation



The socialization of modern teenagers takes place in the context of an immanent current crisis of social integration, based on what was experienced in the post-perestroika period and the social anomie that has been transformed in modern conditions. Teenagers grow up in the absence of well-established, unambiguously interpreted socio-cultural complexes that can become a valuable socializing framework and communicative guide for them. The necessity
to form their own idea of the boundaries and to fill the basis of existing relations in society with an adequate meaning inevitably pushes them to peculiar experiments in the field of social deviation. As a result, the risks of forming antisocial behavior in the adolescent environment, suppressed by institutional mechanisms of social control, are significantly increased, and ultimately leads to its criminalization. This article presents the result of a comprehensive case
study. It is devoted to the integration analysis of various segments of the social environment of adolescents, which belong to the group of increased social risk. These adolescents are individually accompanied according to the regulations in the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution City Center for Social Programs and the Prevention of Antisocial Phenomena among Youth “CONTACT”. The article is based on the sociological concepts of M. Weber, T. Parsons, E. Durkheim, A. Schütz and other sociologists. The article offers a methodological construct that makes it possible to analyze the factors of inclusion of adolescents in such segments of their social environment as family, friends, educational institutions and civil society. The author has proposed a system of indicators characterizing various parameters of social environments in order to describe its integration logic. As a result of the analysis of the conducted focus groups and a telephone interview, the author was able to characterize the relationships that develop among adolescents in various segments of the social environment.


disintegration factors, social environment, social integration, adolescents belonging to risk groups


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How to Cite

Serdyukov, B. S. . (2020). Integration aspects of the social environment of adolescents from the high-risk group. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 13(2), 174–199.



Social Problems of the Russian Society