
  • Светлана Ивановна Росенко Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, 35, ul. Decabristov, Saint Petersburg, 190121, Russian Federation


Social differentiation of post-industrial society is characterized by the modification of socioeconomic parameters of classes and criteria of their identification. Its class structure includes social groups, distinguished on the basis of such criteria as property position, professional status, labor activity, realization of administrative functions. Maintenance of the classes of modern society has become more complicated. Nowdays an important role is played by a class which unites production and non-supervisory employees, not connected with adoption of administrative decisions in various spheres of material and non-material production. Determination of social composition and tendencies of development of this class is important for designing of the modern public relations. Refs 19. Tables 2.


postindustrial society, social differentiation, lower class


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How to Cite

Росенко, С. И. (2016). LOWER CLASS IN SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF POSTINDUSTRIAL SOCIETY: PRESENT CONDITION AND TENDENCIES OF DEVELOPMENT. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, (4), 127–134. Retrieved from https://sociologyjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1308