The phenomenon of ethnic enclave and its reflection in scientific research


  • Ekaterina A. Trushkova Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 29, Moskovskaya ul., Yekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation



The increased number of migratory flows to the territory of the Russian Federation in recent decades entails a number of negative trends. First of all, this is due to the emergence of the phenomenon of “ethnic enclaves”, the formation of which is one of the most critically perceived by the expert community of contemporary ethno-social processes. In the article, an array of information sources from the Russian electronic scientific library eLIBRARY was analyzed in order to form an initial view of the peculiarities of research on the topic of “ethnic enclaves”, their impact on other socio-cultural and socio-economic processes, using bibliometric analysis and the method of quantitative research of documentary information flows (DIP) from the point of view of: the temporal distribution of publications, the frequency of use of keywords,
sectoral and thematic structures, organizations involved in the subject area of research, etc. Conclusions are drawn that, the impact of the enclaveization of the migration community and its consequences on local territories is not sufficiently studied. The bibliometric analysis confirmed that migration processes affect the internal fragmentation of the socium of the host territory, thereby making significant changes in the development of ethnogenesis. Therefore, the formation of a model for monitoring labor migration must necessarily include components that are associated not only with the economic, but also ethnosocial consequences of international migration, which causes further prospects for this direction of research.


ethnosocial problems, bibliometric analysis, migrants’ enclaves, migration policy, migrant networks, eLIBRARY library, international migration


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How to Cite

Trushkova, E. A. . (2018). The phenomenon of ethnic enclave and its reflection in scientific research. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 11(3), 377–392.



Social Dynamics in the Context of Migration Processes