The potential of social partnership in modern Russia


  • Anton A. Barabanov Northwest Institute of Management — Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 57/43, Sredniy pr. V. O., Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation



This article is devoted to the study of the role of social partnership in the social development of Russia. The purpose of the study is to identify promising areas of social partnership application in solving socially significant problems in the context of building a digital economy in Russia, as well as the development of civil society and the need to smooth the contradictions between labor and capital. The concept of partner-type social relations formed in the production sphere, historically having a high conflictogenic character, in its modern embodiment does not lose its relevance, but rather opens up fundamentally new opportunities. Currently, the potential of social partnership is extremely important for the solution of a complex of social problems, stable and long-term cooperation between government and business organizations, and the development of public-private partnership, improving the quality of social services to the population and the quality of life in general. The result of this study was the justification of the need for social partnership use in order to protect the social rights of citizens, the development of public relations, and the formation of a culture of socially responsible behavior. The main conclusion of the study: taking into account the specifics of the development of the Russian state and society, the disclosure of the possibilities of social partnership currently depends on the active participation of all stakeholders in its evolution. The application of the potential of social partnership for our country is an extremely important task in the context of the development of entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility, the development of effective federal programs for regional development, increasing the economic activity of domestic enterprises by improving the system of collective agreements, maintaining social stability in the long term. 


social partnership, institute, social justice, cooperation, development


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How to Cite

Barabanov, A. A. . (2019). The potential of social partnership in modern Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 12(3), 234–248.



Social Problems of the Russian Society