International adoption: thematic discourse in the German media
The problem of international adoption is analyzed. Special interest in international adoption is explained by less strict requirements to potential adoptive parents, which reflects the asymmetrical nature of interaction between donor and recipient countries on this issue, and the need to separate the child from biological parents in order for adoptive parents to insure themselves against possible claims from them. The existing system of international adoption is considered as a modern form of exploiting developing countries, which have excessive reproductive resources. The peculiarities of the international adoption discourse are considered on the example of German mass media as one of the acceptor countries that form a solvent demand for this service. On the basis of the qualitative content analysis of 205 publications in four leading German magazines and newspapers (Der Spiegel, Der Stern, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), published in the period from 2002 to 2018, the peculiarities of topical presentation of international adoption and the formation of attitudes towards it among the majority of German citizens are traced. Currently, the areas of discourse on international adoption are as follows: expansion of the adoption rights of same-sex families; promotion of adoption through the media; legislative changes to eliminate the black market of international adoption; surrogacy and the spread of IVF as a factor of reducing international adoption; success of adopted children in adulthood; criticism of racism and sexism in adoption; and adoption of children with disabilities. Based on the above, it is logical to forecast a further increase in demand for international adoption in the host countries despite the backdrop of tighter legislation in donor countries.
international adoption, sociology of childhood, sociology of family, social orphanage, social protection of family, children and childhood
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