Adaptation apartments as a mechanism for overcoming drug addiction (on the example of the experience of St. Petersburg)


  • Sofya A. Maksimova North-West Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 57/43, Sredniy pr. V. O., St. Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation



The paper discusses the experience of St. Petersburg in organizing counteraction to one of the most important factors of social disorganization — drug addiction. In recent years, this phenomenon has become widespread and has become the focus of attention of sociologists, social psychologists, physicians, and law enforcement officials. The main factors that provoke such a destruction of mass consciousness are the weakening of socializing mechanisms and social elevators, such as education, upbringing, ideology and a number of others, as well as the process of the world globalization increasing impact. Drugs as a criminal phenomenon and the situation with the spread of narcotic substances have a detrimental effect on various aspects of society: economic, social, psychological, medical, demographic. The significant influence of narcotism on certain stereotypes of youth subculture, such as leisure, slang, creativity, which
can talk about the destruction of the choice of behavioral norms is of particular concern. Explaining the causes, conditions and factors determining this social phenomenon has become an urgent task. It was determined that one of the factors in overcoming the damage from drug and alcohol consumption is an increase in the remission level, that means a steady sobriety of patients. It reaches 5 % in Russia, and 20 % in St. Petersburg. With the effective organization of
the rehabilitation process, this indicator can be raised over 35 %. An objective assessment and analysis of the interaction of the state and civil society represented by non-profit organizations in drug and alcohol consumers’ rehabilitation, in particular through the adaptation apartment mechanism, will make it possible to develop the most successful socially useful programs, which can help improve the drug situation in the region.


deviation, drug addiction, non-profit organizations (NPOs), civil society, state, government


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How to Cite

Maksimova, S. A. . (2020). Adaptation apartments as a mechanism for overcoming drug addiction (on the example of the experience of St. Petersburg). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 13(2), 200–217.



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