Technologies of influencing the audience in the modern media space




The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of mass media’s impact on an audience in a situation of intensive development of social, informational, cognitive technologies and their mutual influence on each other. In this process, special techniques are used for the production, processing, and dissemination of the information in the media space, which are described through such theoretical constructs as imprinting, priming, storytelling, framing and design. They include a specific set of manipulative techniques as a means of controlling communication processes in the modern information society in the context of social engineering development. At the same time, along with multimedia systems, preattentive ones, which are ergonomic information systems created in the style of communication eco-design, are increasingly being used. They are functionally oriented to the decision-making process by the user almost at a subconscious level by focusing his attention on the necessary information in the most appropriate place and time. The purpose of the article is to identify the cognitive and
perceptual characteristics of media influence on a mass audience. The research tasks include the formulation of the basic principles of theoretical, scientific, and practical developments of social engineering as a special branch of knowledge, as well as identifying the features of pre-attentive technologies used in modern media in addition to explicating the contents of the concepts of imprinting, priming, storytelling, framing, and design as the main techniques of
media exposure. Based on the conceptual and comparative analysis of scientific publications devoted to this topic, it is concluded that the preattentive aspects of the cognitive processes of perception and understanding of information by the mass audience today become the main tool for creating effective media work. In this situation, the media actively use the capabilities of multimedia technologies to apply the basic principles of communication eco-design in the
process of generating an information product.


media influence, social engineering, information technologies


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How to Cite

Sarna А. Y. . (2020). Technologies of influencing the audience in the modern media space. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 13(2), 218–235.