Glazychev Readings as an example of a practice-oriented scientific discussion


  • Albina A. Beschasnaya North-West Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 57/43, Srednii pr. V.O., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article provides an overview of the speeches at the “Glazychev Readings — 2022” in comparison with the theses of the lecture course of the master’s program “Territorial Development Management”, which was read to the audience by Vyacheslav Leonidovich Glazychev in 2010. The central topic of the conference was the discussion of the master plan “Lipovka — Voronezh”, the development of which was initiated by the mayor of the city. The distinctive features of these readings were their visiting nature in Lipetsk with direct access to the space where the presentation of projects for the transformation of the territory took place. Such a format of the scientific and practical event provided maximum practice-oriented discussions, visibility of innovations, participation in the discussion of the master plan of various stakeholders  — officials, scientists, entrepreneurs, architects, builders, residents. The discussion was based around the discussion of two issues — to determine the most harmonious master plan
that can satisfy the interests of different actors, and the exchange of experience in monitoring their opinions in order to find a mutual solution for territorial development. The involvement of citizens in project activities and the formation of a participating approach was the answer to the question about the tools for modernizing the management of the development of the territory. These readings became an allusion to V.L.Glazychev’s theses on the “appropriation, development and assimilation” of the territory in the process of understanding the space and prospects for its development.


Glazychev Readings, urban studies, master plan, integrated development of territories, space, Lipetsk


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Управление территориальным развитием: курс лекций для слушателей магистратуры 2010–2012 гг.: расшифровка аудиозаписей к учебной программе / сост.: С.Э.Зуев, Е.О.Ларионова. М.: Дело; РАНХиГС, 2015


Territorial development management: a course of lectures for students of the Master’s degree program 2010–2012: transcription of audio recordings for the curriculum, сomp. by S.E.Zuev, E.O.Larionova. Moscow, Delo Publ., RANEPA Publ., 2015. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Beschasnaya, A. A. (2023). Glazychev Readings as an example of a practice-oriented scientific discussion. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 16(1), 121–127.