The experience of applying the procedure of “unfinished sentences” to sociological research


  • Zinaida V. Sikevich St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article describes author's experience of applying the socio-psychological procedure of “unfinished sentences” in sociological research. This procedure complements the traditional quantitative and nominal scales. Thus, it acts as a monitoring mechanism. In addition, “unfinished sentences” provide an opportunity to touch upon the respondent’s unconscious reflection. The article describes the sets of tested sentences for the study of gender stereotypes, ethno-cultural stereotypes in family life and social distance in interethnic relations. As an example of interpretation and documenting the results of employing the procedure, the article includes a description of the research data on youth ethnic identity of Russian nationality (2019). In the course of the recent study, we found gender heteronomy in ethnic identity and ethnic tolerance. In men, ethnocentrism is included in the content structure of ethnicity more often than in women. This attitude is manifested in the following statements: 1) the concept of “patriotism” includes ethnic, not national content 2) the list of Russian identity characteristics is dominated by natural-spatial and sovereign attribution, while culture occupies a much less important position. Male respondents have a higher level of anti-Islamic phobia. This is manifested mainly in the negative attitude to marriage with a Muslim, as well as to the construction of a mosque in the respondent's hometown. The author substantiates the preference of this procedure in comparison with traditional scales. It provides control in regards to closed questions; its measure is not only reflexive, but also unconscious level of reaction and assessment to the phenomena of the surrounding reality and Thus, series of unfinished sentences really, and relevance for the usage of a series of unfinished sentences while surveying specific population groups (such as teenagers). In the conclusion, detailed recommendations are provided for the use of “unfinished sentences” as the instrumentation of sociological research. The article can be useful for both practicing sociologists and students, studying at the faculty of sociology. 


Introspection, ethnic stereotype, social distance, interethnic relations, ethnic identity, content analysis


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How to Cite

Sikevich, Z. V. . (2019). The experience of applying the procedure of “unfinished sentences” to sociological research. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 12(4), 317–328.



Methods in sociology: traditions and transformations